Jason's Plugins For Carrd

The perfect widget for your

  • SaaS
  • online community
  • cohort-based course
  • landing page

A free Carrd plugin template for roll up and down text animation. The above headline is an example!

Made by @jasonleowsg.


How the current plugin works:I'll explain how it works for the current one so you know how to tweak it. This takes a bit of maths on the animation-name: change;So for the current plugin, we have 4 words. 4 words means 3 animation steps to scroll through, and then 3 again to scroll back. total 6 animation steps.So you need to divide 100% of the animation duration by 6, so each step is 16.66%. And you increment the animation position of the next word to 33.32%. That's why the keyframe selectors in animation-name: change; are set in 16.66% increments:
@keyframes change {
100% {
transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0);
29.32% {
transform: translate3d(0, -25%, 0);
45.98% {
transform: translate3d(0, -50%, 0);
62.64% {
transform: translate3d(0, -75%, 0);
79.3% {
transform: translate3d(0, -50%, 0);
95.96% {
transform: translate3d(0, -25%, 0);
And then once you got the animation duration broken down correctly, you can then set the associated css styles with each keyframe selector - the transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0); part. The transform property determines how much each word scrolls up/down vertically.